Spring on Cozy Acres

After two nights of the Farmer and I kicking off the winter weight comforter, I brought out a lighter weight blanket for our bed.

Someone laughed.

That night the delta breezes of Sacramento came blowing into the valley.  The Farmer came to bed and immediately turned on the heated mattress pad.

Someone is laughing.

A little while later, I heard ” Is there another blanket, I’m shivering?”

I got up and pulled the winter blanket out of the bath tub. (Only if you are a full-timer RVer while you understand that showers and bathtubs are used for many things besides showering and bathing.) The comforter was laid over the lighter weight blanket.

Someone snickered.

After the Farmer and I warmed up, he slept comfy and warm, I, on the other hand, tossed the comforter and enjoyed the lighter blanket.

Psalms 121:4  Behold, he that keepeth Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep. (. . .but He might chuckle)

Published in: on May 7, 2011 at 7:47 pm  Leave a Comment  

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