Simple Woman’s Daybook — August 16, 2011


TODAY is  August 16,2011



Outside my window…it’s 10:58pm PDST, I can see a street light.

I am thinking... I really should be in bed.

I am thankful forToday is my birthday, I’m thankful for the long life I have been given, 49 years ago Doctors told me I had a week to live.

From my learning roomsI’ve been pondering a portion of a post from Ann Voskamp on the Lord’s Prayer:

Give us this day our daily bread… I trust that in this day, You’ll give me what is nourishing, what I need. Keep me from chewing at tomorrow’s worry, gnawing at yesterday’s regrets. Today, I will simply collect the manna You’ve given for this day, and know that what You rain down in this day is what is best. My daily bread. Cause me to give thanks and eat what You give.

From the kitchencheck out the picture, fried zucchini, a summer time treat. I don’t know why but I hardly ever make this during the rest of the year.

I am wearinga black cotton knit nightie

I am creatingstill in the process of building a log cabin quilt

I am going...  out to lunch at the Claim Jumper tomorrow

I am readingPlain Promises by Beth Wiseman

I am hopingto finish a quilt (not the log cabin, a different one from the Kaye England quilt group, it just needs binding) for new baby girl by Saturday.

I am hearing... crickets and night noises, (and one pesky fly ugh!)

Around the house...the laundry is washed and folded and put away, sounds a little like bragging, but I’m glad it’s done.

One of my favorite things is to rock little babies, my daycare child’s mom just had a new baby girl, so I’m looking forward to more rocking.

A few plans for the rest of the week: lunch out tomorrow, visit a shut-in on Thursday, make potato salad on Friday for family night on Saturday, Kaye England quilt group on Saturday morning, and a meet the new baby brunch on Saturday. Looks like a full and blessed rest of the week.

Here is picture I am sharing…

Scripture…Promises given 49 years ago.

Psalms 91:14-16  Because he hath set his love upon me, therefore will I deliver him: I will set him on high, because he hath known my name.  He shall call upon me, and I will answer him: I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him, and honour him. With long life will I satisfy him, and shew him my salvation.

Join Simple Woman’s Daybook and  me to pause and reflect on Tuesdays

Spring on Cozy Acres

After two nights of the Farmer and I kicking off the winter weight comforter, I brought out a lighter weight blanket for our bed.

Someone laughed.

That night the delta breezes of Sacramento came blowing into the valley.  The Farmer came to bed and immediately turned on the heated mattress pad.

Someone is laughing.

A little while later, I heard ” Is there another blanket, I’m shivering?”

I got up and pulled the winter blanket out of the bath tub. (Only if you are a full-timer RVer while you understand that showers and bathtubs are used for many things besides showering and bathing.) The comforter was laid over the lighter weight blanket.

Someone snickered.

After the Farmer and I warmed up, he slept comfy and warm, I, on the other hand, tossed the comforter and enjoyed the lighter blanket.

Psalms 121:4  Behold, he that keepeth Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep. (. . .but He might chuckle)

Published in: on May 7, 2011 at 7:47 pm  Leave a Comment  

Genesis 6-9

God saw how sinful the world had become and was sorry He had created man. God was ready to destroy everything, then He found Noah, ‘a just man and perfect in his generations, and Noah walked with God.’ So God made a plan to save Noah and his household and the animals and flying birds Noah would need to live his life after the flood. Noah did as God said, even though he had never seen rain; he didn’t understand the need for an ark like he was asked to build; and his neighbors didn’t understand and mocked and jeered. Noah build the ark and gathered and planned by faith in God.  At God’s time, Noah, his family and all the animals entered the ark. God shut the door. The rains came and the floods arose. Then Noah waited. He didn’t know what to expect next; God had said build an ark, He said enter, Noah could hear the rain and feel the motion of the flood. What Next? According the plan of God as He designed, the rain had to stop, the flood had to be absorbed into the ground, grasses and trees and bushed had to regrow, flowers and seed pods had to form for food for the animals. then when all was ready for man and beast it was time to exit the ark. What a clean fresh world it must have been! I can see animals leaping, hopping, running, stretching their legs after such along time in stalls. How good the new grass must have tasted! Noah and his family, fresh air, deep lungs full of cool fresh air! Fresh clean water! Flowers, vegetables, fruits ready to enjoy! No wonder Noah’s first thought was to thank God then only way he knew how by sacrifice.

But God wasn’t finished. A Covenant, A Promise, A Rainbow.’ I establish my covenant with you, and with your seed after you; And with every living creature that is with you, of the fowl, of the cattle, and of every beast of the earth with you; from all that go out of the ark, to every beast of the earth’. Not just with Noah, but with every living creature and every fowl, every cattle, every beast.

When we see the bow, we remember the flood and the destruction and the promise. But see in verse 16, I will remember my covenant, which is between me and you and every living creature of all flesh; even God remembers when he sees the bow.

1.  God has plan for each of us.

2.  God will supply all our needs.

3.  We need to keep our faith in God, unwavering

4.  God never forgets.

5.  God never fails.

6. God never changes.

Published in: on January 24, 2011 at 12:28 pm  Leave a Comment