May 2, Today’s thought — Enriched By Memory

Counting at Cozy Acres.

Good Morning,

“You shall remember all the way the Lord thy God has led thee.” (Deuteronomy 8:2)

Our lives come, from time to time, to crossroads of defining importance; those critical intersections along the way, which face us with choices for new directions in our thinking, and in our living. At such moments we need briefly pause, for we have not passed this way before.
Ere we move onward we must first reflect back upon where we have been; remembering all the way that the Lord our God has led us. For in His leading are the lessons that will hold true all the days of our lives. As we think upon what He has taught us, shown us, done for us and with us — our lives become enriched by memory, and mindful of a love that never fails.
With this, we then step across the boundary into another season, filled with faith and courage. And we are also renewed in spirit and adventure, discovering afresh that the way in is also the way on. As He has led us, so He will still lead us. As He has loved us, so He will still love us. And as He has been faithful, so faithful shall He ever be.
Such is the happy lot of those whose lives are enriched by the memory of God’s handiwork throughout their days. Why not pause right now and recall to mind the many undeniable moments throughout your life when the Lord blessed you, loved you, healed you, helped you, saved you, used you — and the list goes on, and on, and on, and on, and on…

Trust in the Lord for your day. . . Today
With my prayers, desiring yours, Leslie

Published in: on May 2, 2012 at 6:07 am  Leave a Comment